Gádor István





Istvan Gador's works in 1920-1930's

(Kóka, 11th November, 1891 - Budapest, 22nd Julius, 1984)

Studied at the Hungarian Royal College of Crafts from 1906 under Antal Lórántfi, Imre Simay and Géza Maróti. Between 1911 and 1916 worked in Maróti's workshop, in the 1920s in the Wiener Werkstätte with Herta Bucher, and returned to Hungary in 1926. Taught ceramics in the Atelier of Dezső Orbán. In 1945-58 headed the department of ceramics of the College of Crafts, later Hungarian Academy of Craft and -Design, was master of new generations and founder of the higher education og ceramic teaching in Hungary.
One of the founders of modern Hungarian ceramic art, his work was predominated by an interest in the sculptural from the beginning, In the early phase of his career he displayed grotesque, expressive animal statuettes, which later gave way to more synthetic, simplified forms in the figuralcompositions. Elaborated the motive stock of Hungarian pottery tradition and from the mid-1940s developed an organic style. In a later phase if his lifework he was interested in non-figurative style,adopted a constructivist approach, making wall pictures enriched with glass and metal and designing spatial constructions of industrial porcelain insulators.
Was participant of the Siklós Ceramics Symposium in 1972-73.
Was a member of the Association of Artists, KUT, Society of New Artists, Group of Sociaéist Artists, Association of Hungarian Arts- and Craftsmen, Union of Hungarian Arts -and Craftsmen, Union of Hungarian Arts -and Craftsmen, Association of Hungarian Artists and the Hungarian Art Fund (1952).



   - Mark of Istvan Gador




1. Gádor István: Billowy vase


Marked on the bottom: Gádor I 22

high: 18cm

2. Gádor István: Cachepot with plastic decoration

about 1920

Marked on the bottom: Gádor, Eger

high: 7,5cm

3. Gádor István: Foal

between 1920-30

The mark is scratch in on the back feet: Gádor

size: 25 x 21cm

4. Gádor István: Vase with snake-hold stork


Marked on the bottom: Gádor

high: 15cm

5. Gádor István: Cow

between 1920-30

Marked on the bottom: Gádor

size: 14 x 22cm

6. Gádor István: Stocky figure

beginning of 1920's

Gádor's „primitive expressionizm” called period

The mark is scratch in at the bottom: Gádor

high: 40cm

7. Gádor István: Fawn


Marked on the bottom

size: 14 x 16cm

8. Gádor István: Billowy decoration vase


According to the owner: Gorka Géza, Nógrádveröcei

It made in workshop. Glaseuse is support that.

high: 30cm

9. Gádor István: Puppet carver


The mark is scratch in at the back of the object: Gádor 35

high: 22cm

10. Gádor István: Girl is in national costume


high: 22,5cm

11. Gádor István: Hungarian style, wall and ash plates


sizes: Jesus's Ascension: 7,5 x 8cm                

 Heart from ash-plate: 10 x 10cm    

Bird ash-plate: 7 x 10cm              

Ash-plate with shepherd: 9 x 9cm

12. Gádor István: In the manner of Picasso painted vase

about 1950

high: 36cm

13. Gádor István: Bottle vase

about 1950

high: 31cm

14. Gádor István: Wall-plate, freedom's allegorz I.


In the stzle of Picasso painted

d: 29cm

15. Gádor István: Wall-plate, freedom's allegorz II.


d: 29cm


16. Gádor István: Owl vase


size: 13cm

17. Gádor István: Abstract figure


Marked on the bottom: Gádor

size: 40cm

18. Gádor István: Funnel neck vase


high: 34cm

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