Emil  Fischer (Tóvárosi)


(Herend, 27 January 1863 - Herend, 1937)

He was Fischer Ignátz ceramic factory owner's son. First he worked in his father's factory, where he directed its foreign trade business. When he learnt the ceramic-making and he finished his English study-tour after he separated from his father's factory and he instituted an own works in 1890. It was in one's prime in 1900-1910s. They planned in mind of art nouveau. Here worked: Sándor Nagy, Pál Horty and Béla Pálinkás.
In 1914 the factory closed down. After Emil Fischer entered into patnership with Count László Károlyi, who was the world war.
In 1920 he founded a new factory in 11-13 Liget street in Kőbánya. Its name was Fischer's Ceramic Factory Rt. Archduke Ferenc József was the president of the firm. It closed down on account of economic crisis in 1929.


- The mark of Emil Fisher

1. Fischer Emil - Wall-plate

between 1890-1900

high: 30cm

2. Fischer Emil - Decorative-bowl

about 1910

size: 9 x 24,5cm

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