Mázalatti festéssel díszített
kőedények |
(Megyaszló, 1880 - Budapest, 1955)
He studied painting as Ede Balló's student in Budapest Design Scool between
1899-1903. After he followed in Simon Hollósy's private school in Munich. After
that he was in The Netherlands and London, too.
In 1915 he teaed with painting and kept on working as ceramist. In his beginning
period he engaged maunly with ceramic painting. He worked with white goods
bought from Czech and Hungarian factories.
In 1921 he founded ceramic plant in 35-37 Előd street, Pesterzsébet, its name
was: Frigyes Borszéky Hungarian Art Ceramic Workshop. In international
comparison Borszéky's style is similar mostly to Vienna artists like Karl
Klimt's, Ernst Wahlis Serapis's faiences. In 1925 the plant became bankrupt and
practically with this closed his ceramic career.
The mark of Frigyes Borszéky